Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Convenient

Every Tuesday, pending a half-way decent looking movie choice, hubsters and I enjoy a movie date night at the Budget Theatre (pronounced by us as “Boo-Jay” to “class it up” a bit) where we can enjoy the big screen for a mere $3.50 (that’s for both of us). The movies that are shown are a couple of months behind the “real, $9.00 a person” theatres but it’s still a great time!

Last night was movie date night and we were planning on seeing Four Christmases with none other than Vince Vaughn (one of my “married woman” crushes). **Sigh** Hubsters was well aware that there would be some inappropriate thoughts involving Vince running through my head at the theatre yet he was still game (I wonder if that decision had anything to do with the fact the Reese Witherspoon plays the female lead?...huh).

The movie was scheduled for 7:40 p.m. (hubsters had checked the times himself on Monday). So, imagine my surprise when we logged in at 7:00 p.m. last night just to double check the start time…Four Christmases showing at 6:40 the schedule read. How convenient.

“But, er, ah, but it was scheduled for 7:40 as of yesterday”, hubsters stammered.

I can’t believe he tried to get between me and my Vince.

Oh well, there is always next Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you had the hots for Vince Vaughn! How did this not ever come up in our "talks"? ;)