Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is This Think On?

On my walk into to work, a gentleman held the door for me while commenting…”Wow, you have a lot of stuff in your hands” – I was carry my typical “work” load which includes my coffee, car keys, lunch bag, tote bag (holding a book and a change of shoes), and my purse (which is oversized leaving enough room for my water, planner, and coffee thermos).

I know bring a lot of baggage into work…literally.

So, I smiled and responded jokingly, “Believe it or not, I only plan on staying the day”.

You know, as if the amount of stuff I bring it to work everyday could appear to be enough for a mini-trip. Ba-dum-da.

Just trying to do my part by bringing a little humor in to brighten the day.

“What?”, the gentleman replied, clearly confused.

Sigh…some people just don’t get me and my sense of humor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm dying to know who this is....