Friday, February 27, 2009

Strangers on Film

Have you stopped by the blog, A Cup of Jo? If you haven't you should. I am just warning you once you are there, you are sure to become a follower.

I truly adore this blog and find it so appropriately titled because just as sure as I have a cup of coffee every day, stop by Joanna's blog for a lovely dose of fashion, photography and other random musings.

Today's "dose" brought a wonderful fun-filled story that lead to images such as this:

Disposable cameras were left out on random park benches in NY with a note attached: "Good afternoon, I attached this camera to the bench so you could take pictures. Seriously. So have fun. I'll be back later this evening to pick it up." You can read the full article and see more pictures HERE.

I love the "realness" of these photos. In the age of technology, it seems so much of life is lived through a computer leaving less opportunity for "in-person" interaction. This disposable camera project is proof that there are people out there interacting and living life.

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