Monday, May 4, 2009

Neighborhood Friend

The other night A. was outside working on the car while I was inside getting dinner ready.

"Hey want to see something really cool?", he said, coming quietly through the back door.

"Sure", I say, as I follow him outside.

"Shhhhhhh, be quiet.", said hubs bringing his finger to his lips, "Look." He points up at the street light at the end of our driveway.

I look. There it is...a gorgeous hawk enjoying a freshly caught meal on the top of the street light.

"Wow", I breathed.

And there we stood. A. and I, together, quietly and peacefully enjoying watching nature and the circle of life take place.

My pathetic zoom showing off in all it's glory...sigh, where is an SLR when a girl needs one?

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