Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Speeding Ticket

So, back in November, I got a speeding ticket. In my 12 years behind the wheel it was the first time I have been pulled over and the first time I have ever been ticketed. I am a law abiding citizen and this includes following the “rules of the road”, including minding the speed limit—well, at least no more than 7 mph over which I have heard is the “accepted” wiggle room the iron-fist-of-the-law grants you.

Unfortunately my law abiding-self was on holiday when I was clocked 16 over in a 35 mph zone…opps. Seriously, it was an honest mistake. I was in an unfamiliar area (ahem, lost) and trying to get my bearings when BAM, I saw the dreaded disco lights right behind me. Even with my “goody-two-shoes” driving record, the cop didn’t let me off with a warning. So I went, head hung low, with a $109, 4-points (GULP!) speeding ticket tucked into my glove compartment. I felt like I was 10-years old again getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar right before dinner.

So what did I do? Well, like all criminals, I worked the system and went to court to plead my case. My “hearing” was last night in the postage stamp of a town, Lannon, WI (I said I was lost, I wasn’t kidding). The court room was PACKED…standing room only (no joke). For being such a small town, they sure seemed to issue more than their fair share of tickets and citations…I wonder if the police department gets a tax write off on ink? Luckily, I had discussed my situation with some of my “lead foot” friends who have seen their fair share of the courtroom and had the insight to show up early. So, there I sat, patiently waiting for my name to be called, reading New Moon (the second book in the Twilight series) and eavesdropping on the conversations around me. I quickly realized that this Lannon town is, in fact, ticket happy. 4 other people sitting around me were there with their FIRST speeding ticket which convinced me that Lannon should add a tag-line to their “Welcome to Lannon” sign: “Home of YOUR First Speeding Ticket”.

My name was called and I followed a police officer, who fit the stereo-type of “doughnut-lover” to a “t”, to the back hallway where I would, apparently, be pleading my case. This was not necessary, as the women in charge of my case took a quick glance at my ticket and then at my driving record (exemplary) and extended an “offer”: pay the $109 fine and the citation would be reduced to a faulty speedometer, a 2 point non-moving violation. SOLD.

Word to the wise (and lead-footed): Mapquest Lannon, WI. Once you know where it is, avoid it like the plague or you, too, could be posting a similar recap on your blog.

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