Sunday, February 1, 2009

Burn Baby Burn

The hubsters and I splurged a little this weekend at Boston Store on some Yankee Candles to make our home smell pretty. Seriously, does any other candle smell as fantastic?!?!?!

Having troubles deciding on the perfect living room scent, we compromised by breaking up the seasons.

For our living room during the Fall & Winter, Home Sweet Home. A devine blend of cinnamon and baking spices. I just LOVE this scent. If warmth, love, and family had a smell this would be it:

For our living room during the Spring and Summer, MacIntosh. This candle smells just like the Mac apple tastes: crisp, clean, sweet and tart. LOVE eating MacIntoshes, LOVE the scent of this candle:

For our bathroom year round we instantly fell in love with Coconut Bay. The smell of this candle takes me on a tropical vacation at the fraction of the price. However, I did remind the Hubsters that this candle does not replace actual said tropical vacation:

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