Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun...Bracelets

I love holidays, don't get me wrong.

Time off from work, clocking some QT with the fam, and homemade food (usually consumed in large, gut-busting quantities), just to name a few reasons.

However one thing that I have always hated about holidays is the boredom that seems to seep in. Sorry, but I am an active person and not one to "enjoy" parking it in front of the TV to watch a show or, worse, SPORTS (I am allergic).

Brilliantly (patting myself on the back here), I came up with a game plan. I would teach a bracelet class to interested members of my family. We could sit around and chat while creating something delish to take home and wear. Let me tell you, it was a BLAST. It is also an idea I would encourage you to steal should you suffer from boredom during the holidays.

So myself, my mom, my sister-in-law, and a transplant (my dear friend joined my family for Easter as she doesn't have family herself in the area) talked and laughed up a storm while making these:

This one (shown above) is metal-free...perfect for anyone who suffers from metal allergies and cannot (gasp) wear most jewelry. As someone who has a slight nickel allergy, I am pretty excited about this one!

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