Monday, April 13, 2009

Hop, Hop, Hop

I really needed to get the post office today. Usually, I quick dart in before work, used the automated postage center (which ROCKS) and off go my creations to their new owners and homes.

But today I had an international order (Canada) and you cannot ship internationally from the automated postage center so I had to wait until after 9 and walk on over.

I had a slightly embarrassing mishap on this 3 block walk.

Right after crossing a street, I stepped up onto the curb and somehow my right shoe FLEW off my foot and landing about 4 squares of sidewalk ahead of me. So, I did what anyone would do...

I hopped nonchalantly ahead to put it back on...of course in front of a bus-stop and bus, both of which were full of staring people.

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