Monday, April 27, 2009

I Married a Mathlete

An actual conversation between me and hubs this weekend while on an early Sunday morning drive heading for my Grandpa's house:

Hubs: [out of the blue] So, can you believe I used to get up this early on the weekends for fun to attend competitions?

Me: Oh? I didn't know that you played any sports?

Hubs: Yep. I spent my weekends attending mathematics competitions. What, you didn't know that math was a sport? [chest puffs out] I was a mathlete.

Me: A what?

Yes, it is true. No matter how well you think you know your husband, there may still be skeletons in his closet. One of those skeletons came out of my husbands closet this weekend. Who would have thunk that there was such a thing as Mathletics?!?!?!

Smartee pants.

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