Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One of "Those People"

You know who I am talking about. “Those people” are the people who hold up check out lines because they insist on paying for their $20 purchase in change. “Those people” are also the ones who insist on always using the Express Lane (aka: 20 items or less) even though their cart is heaping with groceries. Oh, and “those people” is the couple who has a cart FULL of groceries rang up and when the clerk tells them their total, they look at each other in shock and sheepishly say, “we don’t have that much cash, we are going to have to return some items” while a mile long line is forming behind them.

Hmmmm, I wonder where this is going? Can you guess?

Could it be that I was half of the couple with the cart full of groceries and not enough funds to pay for the bounty of food amassed during a "we only need a couple of things" grocery store run?

Ding, ding, ding...you got it.

This weekend, while checking out at the grocery store, the typically very conscientious and courteous hubs and I quickly became “one of those people”, taking items out of our already bagged groceries to be returned so that we could pay our grocery bill.

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