Friday, January 23, 2009


I’ve been tagged with the Honest Scrap Award by Andrea. All I have to do is list 10 honest things about myself to receive my award: this nifty icon.

1. I still love hearing my married name written or spoken. It reminds me of the new family that Andy and I created when we got hitched.

2. I am convinced that I could be a professional sleeper (yes, I am THAT good). To bad I haven’t seen a job posting for this “career” yet. Sigh.

3. Andy and I do not exchange gifts or cards with each other EVER. This includes Christmas, Birthdays, our Anniversary and Valentines Day. Some might be shocked or appalled at this reality but for Andy and I we are perfectly content. We have been very blessed and just don’t feel the need to partake in these exchanges.

4. I obsessively check my Etsy shop, Rock, Paper, Silver at least 10 times daily. I am constantly checking for hearts, conversations, and sales. Deep down, I dream that maybe Rock, Paper, Silver could, someday, be a full time job for me.

5. On the topic of “work” Andy and I will often dream of being self-employed together someday while incorporating our favorite hobby, flying. Some ideas we have kicked around: Flight Instructor (this would be more Andy but then I would just focus on Rock, Paper, Silver), Charter Service (again more Andy), or Organizing Caravan Trips for General Aviation Pilots (and of course hosting said trips).

6. We do not have our TV hooked up at home (no cable, no local channels, NOTHING). We do have an extensive DVD collection that keeps us completely entertained including the complete season of Frasier, Seinfeld, MASH, and Sex and the City as well as numerous documentaries and a TON of comedies.

7. I am obsessed with any bird of prey (hawks, eagles, osprey, owls, etc). Something about their graceful flight and how equipped they are to be effective hunters never ceases to amaze me. Of course a couple of the above mentioned documentaries are on this topic and I get chills every time I watch them.

8. My closet is organized by color.

9. I know that Andy’s family is now a part of me but I still am challenged regularly to “figure out” certain individuals and what their motives and intentions are. 4-years later and I still don’t feel super comfortable with some of them and, at times, they down right piss me off. I am not throwing Andy under the bus by saying this…he is already very aware and is supportive in my struggles to find a “fit” with his fam.

10. I am not an accounting person…in fact, accounting and taxes down right stress me out. I barely passed accounting in college (in fact with out the “curve” I would have ending the class below 50%, gulp). I had my own business for 3 ½ years during which time I did ALL my own accounting. I struggled through but I hated every minute of it. To this day can not understand why they make those forms and instructions so darn confusing. Luckily, Andy doesn’t mind picking up this “area” of our life and I do help any way that I can.

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