Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So, an update on Tuesday's Date Night. I did opt to stay with the "date" concept and see Yes Man with hubsters. Somehow it just felt wrong to hang out with Edward in a theatre while my husband was watching a movie in a different theatre on date night.

Yes Man, was, in fact, a surprisingly GREAT movie. The perfect mix of comedy plus a darn good message. Jim Carey was perfectly cast as the lead and Zoey Deschanel was simply beautiful.

The premise of the movie is simple. Carl (Jim Carey) is stuck in a life rut including a non-existent love life and a stale career when he gets drags to a convention called "Yes is the New No". At the convention, Carl takes an oath to say Yes to EVERYTHING for a whole year which paves the way for a plethora of opportunities (some good, some bad). His new mantra, Yes, forces him to start experiencing life instead of just watching it pass him by.

As a self-proclaimed homebody and not-one-to-attack-social-activities-with-gusto (though when I do...I have a blast!), the message of "Yes is the New No" resonated quite strongly with me. So much so that I plan to use the word YES much more often to make sure I am taking advantage of every opportunity in life.

With that I leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but rather by the moments that take your breath away"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're such a good wife...I don't know if I could pass up on Edward :)