Thursday, April 30, 2009

Etsy as 1-2-3

Promenade Olive Tunic; tortillagirl

Bird Sanctuary Clutch; ClutchThat

Olive with A Twist; Rock Paper Silver

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Awwww, Shucks

My very dear friend J. came to visit this weekend. Guess what she had as a little surprise birthday gift for me?

Pure delicousness Twilight.

Edward is now in my house (stored on a shelf in DVD form but still)...

One of "Those People"

You know who I am talking about. “Those people” are the people who hold up check out lines because they insist on paying for their $20 purchase in change. “Those people” are also the ones who insist on always using the Express Lane (aka: 20 items or less) even though their cart is heaping with groceries. Oh, and “those people” is the couple who has a cart FULL of groceries rang up and when the clerk tells them their total, they look at each other in shock and sheepishly say, “we don’t have that much cash, we are going to have to return some items” while a mile long line is forming behind them.

Hmmmm, I wonder where this is going? Can you guess?

Could it be that I was half of the couple with the cart full of groceries and not enough funds to pay for the bounty of food amassed during a "we only need a couple of things" grocery store run?

Ding, ding, got it.

This weekend, while checking out at the grocery store, the typically very conscientious and courteous hubs and I quickly became “one of those people”, taking items out of our already bagged groceries to be returned so that we could pay our grocery bill.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Married a Mathlete

An actual conversation between me and hubs this weekend while on an early Sunday morning drive heading for my Grandpa's house:

Hubs: [out of the blue] So, can you believe I used to get up this early on the weekends for fun to attend competitions?

Me: Oh? I didn't know that you played any sports?

Hubs: Yep. I spent my weekends attending mathematics competitions. What, you didn't know that math was a sport? [chest puffs out] I was a mathlete.

Me: A what?

Yes, it is true. No matter how well you think you know your husband, there may still be skeletons in his closet. One of those skeletons came out of my husbands closet this weekend. Who would have thunk that there was such a thing as Mathletics?!?!?!

Smartee pants.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Office Space Lives On

You remember the scene in Office Space where Bill Lumbergh announces that it is Hawaiian shirt day?

"Oh, and remember: next Friday... is Hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans."

Well, hubs is living this reality as we speak.

An actual email from hubs work (modified slightly to protect identities):

To: Undisclosed Recipients

After consulting many colleges, we have decided that between Memorial Day and Labor every Friday will be Hawaiian shirt day. We decided to try to cheer up what has been a gloomy forecast for the year. Tomorrow it is going to be 81 degrees outside and a perfect day to wear a Hawaiian shirt but because not everyone has a Hawaiian shirt they will be optional until Memorial Day. We will not be ridiculing anyone for not participating but if you wear the same [type of shirt like you wear everyother workday] (like some people we know do, not to mention any names), do not be surprised to get a little hazing that of course is all in fun.

Have a cheerful happy Hawaiian shirt day Friday!!


Unlike Office Space, Hawaiian shirt day at hubs office is is meant to be fun and lift moral. Personally, I think it is a fantastic idea but, I will admit, I still giggled a little when hubs got dressed this morning in shirt that depicts an ocean scene complete with sail boats AND genuine shell buttons...

Happy Hawaiian shirt day everyone!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Love Story

I am in love with...

"A Love Story", a Fine Art Photograph by Kelly Vanderslice.

You can purchase it HERE.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What to do when...

...the temps reach 70 degrees, it is a gorgeous sunny day, AND it's Saturday?

Well, this was exactly the scenario that hubs and I were faced with this Saturday. Being the good, responsible homeowners we pretend to be are, we first

1. Gridded out our backyard for a big re-landscaping project scheduled for later this summer. Well, actually Hubs did this solo while I caught up on a little extra zzzzz's. Have I mentioned that I could be a professional sleeper? Seriously, I am THAT good ;)

2. Cleaned out and organized the garage.

3. Washed and detailed BOTH cars...and let me tell you, they look way sexy with out their winter salt coating!

4. De-winterized the bikes and...

5. took them for their very first 2009 "spin"!!!!!

NOTE: The bike pictures you are about to view are not actually hub's and my bikes but our bikes do look just like these. These images were carefully selected and "borrowed" from the world wide web for your viewing pleasure. I say this because the last image, particularly, is pretty cheesy. It reminds me of a picture you would take on a vacation but instead of a smiling "vacationer" enjoying the breath taking scenery, the bike is? Ummmm, whatever ;).

Hubs rides this sweet machine (and let me tell you...he looks H O T on that this baby!):

This is my "current" sweet ride...

...that is until I upgrade to this later this summer!!!!!!:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just How Bad is the Economy?

Seriously, cats are SO dramatic!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hot of the design desk...NEW brass necklaces featuring bold creatures that may be scary in real-life but look so cute when hanging around your neck.

Give a big, warm, hand-made welcome to Batty and Octy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun...Bracelets

I love holidays, don't get me wrong.

Time off from work, clocking some QT with the fam, and homemade food (usually consumed in large, gut-busting quantities), just to name a few reasons.

However one thing that I have always hated about holidays is the boredom that seems to seep in. Sorry, but I am an active person and not one to "enjoy" parking it in front of the TV to watch a show or, worse, SPORTS (I am allergic).

Brilliantly (patting myself on the back here), I came up with a game plan. I would teach a bracelet class to interested members of my family. We could sit around and chat while creating something delish to take home and wear. Let me tell you, it was a BLAST. It is also an idea I would encourage you to steal should you suffer from boredom during the holidays.

So myself, my mom, my sister-in-law, and a transplant (my dear friend joined my family for Easter as she doesn't have family herself in the area) talked and laughed up a storm while making these:

This one (shown above) is metal-free...perfect for anyone who suffers from metal allergies and cannot (gasp) wear most jewelry. As someone who has a slight nickel allergy, I am pretty excited about this one!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hop, Hop, Hop

I really needed to get the post office today. Usually, I quick dart in before work, used the automated postage center (which ROCKS) and off go my creations to their new owners and homes.

But today I had an international order (Canada) and you cannot ship internationally from the automated postage center so I had to wait until after 9 and walk on over.

I had a slightly embarrassing mishap on this 3 block walk.

Right after crossing a street, I stepped up onto the curb and somehow my right shoe FLEW off my foot and landing about 4 squares of sidewalk ahead of me. So, I did what anyone would do...

I hopped nonchalantly ahead to put it back on...of course in front of a bus-stop and bus, both of which were full of staring people.

Friday, April 10, 2009

How to Email an Easter Bunny

My creative techniques stay with in the realms of designing jewelry.

My "typing" emotional icons use extends all the way to the errant ":)".

When I received an email today with a bunny made from computer characters I was so impressed by the creativity I just had to share:

( ) ( )
@ @
> o <

You can see a bunny, right?

Today is my Birthday...

Okay, so technically it is Sunday (yes, Easter Sunday).

The big 29.

I am really not a "birthday" person so to speak, as I am not one to relish being the center of attention.

However, when I came into work this morning, I had a card sitting on my chair signed by all of my coworkers and a box of KrispyKreme Doughnuts sitting on my desk. Wow, for me?!?!?

Then, at 9:15 am, I was called to a meeting, which turned out to be a little surprise b-day bash for me...complete with Panera bagels and homemade cupcakes (with white still my heart!).

So, now I am sitting here, with a sugar high (understandable when you have downed a KrispyCreme and a cupcake before 10am :)) perfectly content and extremely flattered that my coworkers are so dear.

Help yourself to a birthday's on me (they are good for you...0 grams of trans fat):

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All You Need Is Love

A romantic inspiration from PillowHappy. Le sigh...

LOVE Scrabble Tile Pillows

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And then there was ONE

Okay, I have been off the blog wagon for almost a month now. Actually, I am not sure if I was ever totally "on" the blog wagon since I just started blogging the first of the year?

Hmmmmm, anyways, I have learned from lurking on many other blogs that when you have taken an "unannounced" blogging break, you need to provide an excuse of why you have neglected your blog for a period of time. So, here is my excuse:

A couple of weeks ago, I had to let go my entire office due to the economic downturn.

I started the year with 4 people in my office (including me). One left on her own free will to pursue her dreams. Her position was never filled so I was down to 3.

Now I am down to just me and trying to juggle to work of 3 other people plus my own. My work life in one word: BUSY.

Thankfully, I still have a job.

So there you have it, my first "excuse" for not blogging as regularly as I would have hoped.

I hope to be back on the wagon now, so to speak.