Friday, January 30, 2009

Perfect (almost) Skin

Since the time I hit puberty, I have always had less-than-stellar skin. At times my acne was not only embarrassing but socially stifling acne (when I had a bad flare-up it definitely cramped my "style").

I blame my father's contribution to my genetic makeup.

I had tried every acne medication and creme on the market both over and behind the counter (prescribed pills and creams by my dermatologist). Proactive, Stridex, Neutrogena were in constant rotation in my routine.

Nothing really worked. That is until I was introduced to Paula's Choice.

Don't worry, I hadn't heard of it either. A very dear friend, Jen, is the one who suggested it to me. One look at her dewy perfect looking skin was all it took for me to place my first order.

Now I am a believer.

Seriously...NOTHING I have ever tried before works the way Paula's line does. Since converting this past summer, I have barely seen a flare-up. This is some amazing stuff.

Here is what I use:

AM (in order): Skin Balancing Cleanser, Skin Balancing Toner, Exfoliating 1% BAH Gel, Skin Balancing Daily Mattifying Lotion SPF 15

PM (in order): Skin Balancing Cleanser, Skin Balancing Toner, Exfoliating 1% BAH Gel, Skin Balancing Super Antioxidant Mattifying Concentrate Serum

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I could go on a Esty shopping spree.

Rocks Dress by Lyptis...100% cotton in delicious grey and LONG sleeved (this is a very important when you are always cold like me). So cozy looking.

Denim Truffle bag by Morelle...dark demin and roomy!!!!! I can just see it full of my daily necessities: water bottle, coffee thermos, planner, cell phone, and wristlet.

Lovely Rose Ring by Vera Meat. A rose by any other name. So feminine and simple. I will take mine in gold, please.

Wind-up Toy prints by Patrick Andrew Adams. Smells (that's what I call my dad...maybe I will post the story at some point) collected wind-up toys when I was growing up...these prints are so nostalgic for me. It takes me back to when I was a little girl picking out a wind-up toy for Smells' Christmas or Birthday present. When Smells would open the gift, the whole family would gather around and we would watch him "unveil" the "action" of the wind-up (some walked, some danced, some flipped, some get the gist).


Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Fun Valentine

I was perusing Etsy (ahem, like I do EVERYDAY) and stumbled apon this absolutly adorable and handcrafted figurine made out of paper mache. What a great depiction of love...
Grow Old Along With Me... by Dahlhart Lane.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tales From the Post Office

I had to go to the Post Office last night to mail a package. Normally, I use the “in-and-out” self-service postage machine but since I was shipping the package to Australia (which requires a customs form), I had wait in line.

I don’t mind waiting in line. Seriously.

Actually, I typically enjoy the Post Office and sometimes even daydream of becoming a Post Office employee. A solid government job with a uniform (no hemming and hawing in the morning over what to wear) and a set job schedule (you come in, you work your shift, you go home).

I have also seen Men in Black, where I learned that aliens actually are living and working among us as “normal” humans. The biggest alien employer? You guess it: the Post Office. Okay, I understand that this is a fictional movie but next time you are at your local Post Office…look around. Seriously, it could be true.

Last night, I was helped by an alien (not very well disguised, I might add). A creepy, scary, mentally-unstable alien. Doesn’t the government screen the postal employees anymore? I saw him right away…behind the counter with tinted glasses (creep meter notched up) and a demeanor that was far off from “normal” (creep meter continued to notch up).

There were two Postal workers behind the counter. The other worker has helped me before and he is a very nice, helpful, NORMAL acting person. Quickly, I calculated my chances: 50/50, normal/creepo.

Sure enough, I got creepo. Nervously, I approached the counter and handed over my package. He was kind of swaying slightly as he processed my package. The effort it took to stamp the date on my package was impressive. Then came my total: “$2.20”, he said. So I gave him a $20 bill and 20 cents. A delay. “Urgh (imagine a weird grunt/laugh combo), 20-20, Urgh”, he said. Um, yeah dude, real funny.

I got my change and got me the heck out of there.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Seriously Amazing Scones

If you are as tired as I am of seeing overpriced scones at your local coffee shop (um, seriously...$2.50 for a fancy looking muffin?!?!?), you have to make a run to your nearest World Market store and pick up this scone mix by Sticky Fingers.

Cost: $3.99

Yield: 12 delicious scones.

The "recipe" is super just add water to the mix and drop in heaping tablespoons onto a grease cookie sheet and bake. Seriously amazing and a great breakfast treat!

So far I have tried the Tart Cherry (highly recommended) and have the Apricot and Black Current flavors waiting in the wings.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I’ve been tagged with the Honest Scrap Award by Andrea. All I have to do is list 10 honest things about myself to receive my award: this nifty icon.

1. I still love hearing my married name written or spoken. It reminds me of the new family that Andy and I created when we got hitched.

2. I am convinced that I could be a professional sleeper (yes, I am THAT good). To bad I haven’t seen a job posting for this “career” yet. Sigh.

3. Andy and I do not exchange gifts or cards with each other EVER. This includes Christmas, Birthdays, our Anniversary and Valentines Day. Some might be shocked or appalled at this reality but for Andy and I we are perfectly content. We have been very blessed and just don’t feel the need to partake in these exchanges.

4. I obsessively check my Etsy shop, Rock, Paper, Silver at least 10 times daily. I am constantly checking for hearts, conversations, and sales. Deep down, I dream that maybe Rock, Paper, Silver could, someday, be a full time job for me.

5. On the topic of “work” Andy and I will often dream of being self-employed together someday while incorporating our favorite hobby, flying. Some ideas we have kicked around: Flight Instructor (this would be more Andy but then I would just focus on Rock, Paper, Silver), Charter Service (again more Andy), or Organizing Caravan Trips for General Aviation Pilots (and of course hosting said trips).

6. We do not have our TV hooked up at home (no cable, no local channels, NOTHING). We do have an extensive DVD collection that keeps us completely entertained including the complete season of Frasier, Seinfeld, MASH, and Sex and the City as well as numerous documentaries and a TON of comedies.

7. I am obsessed with any bird of prey (hawks, eagles, osprey, owls, etc). Something about their graceful flight and how equipped they are to be effective hunters never ceases to amaze me. Of course a couple of the above mentioned documentaries are on this topic and I get chills every time I watch them.

8. My closet is organized by color.

9. I know that Andy’s family is now a part of me but I still am challenged regularly to “figure out” certain individuals and what their motives and intentions are. 4-years later and I still don’t feel super comfortable with some of them and, at times, they down right piss me off. I am not throwing Andy under the bus by saying this…he is already very aware and is supportive in my struggles to find a “fit” with his fam.

10. I am not an accounting person…in fact, accounting and taxes down right stress me out. I barely passed accounting in college (in fact with out the “curve” I would have ending the class below 50%, gulp). I had my own business for 3 ½ years during which time I did ALL my own accounting. I struggled through but I hated every minute of it. To this day can not understand why they make those forms and instructions so darn confusing. Luckily, Andy doesn’t mind picking up this “area” of our life and I do help any way that I can.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning Commute

To the lady in the grossly over-sized “monster-truck-wanna-be” truck this morning driving on the Hoan Bridge this morning:

From your inappropriate gestures, it seems as though you had a problem with the way I was driving. At first I thought you were waving…so I did wave back but then I realized that you weren’t doing a “full-five finger” wave, four of the fingers were missing. I have two words for you: BITE ME.

P.S. You might want to consider down-sizing your vehicle. Gas is expensive and no one is impressed by the size of your truck. Remember, your value as a human being is not based on the size of your vehicle but it is based on who you are as a person. Seeing you don't even know how to wave appropriately, I would have to say that you have a long journey ahead of you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Speeding Ticket

So, back in November, I got a speeding ticket. In my 12 years behind the wheel it was the first time I have been pulled over and the first time I have ever been ticketed. I am a law abiding citizen and this includes following the “rules of the road”, including minding the speed limit—well, at least no more than 7 mph over which I have heard is the “accepted” wiggle room the iron-fist-of-the-law grants you.

Unfortunately my law abiding-self was on holiday when I was clocked 16 over in a 35 mph zone…opps. Seriously, it was an honest mistake. I was in an unfamiliar area (ahem, lost) and trying to get my bearings when BAM, I saw the dreaded disco lights right behind me. Even with my “goody-two-shoes” driving record, the cop didn’t let me off with a warning. So I went, head hung low, with a $109, 4-points (GULP!) speeding ticket tucked into my glove compartment. I felt like I was 10-years old again getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar right before dinner.

So what did I do? Well, like all criminals, I worked the system and went to court to plead my case. My “hearing” was last night in the postage stamp of a town, Lannon, WI (I said I was lost, I wasn’t kidding). The court room was PACKED…standing room only (no joke). For being such a small town, they sure seemed to issue more than their fair share of tickets and citations…I wonder if the police department gets a tax write off on ink? Luckily, I had discussed my situation with some of my “lead foot” friends who have seen their fair share of the courtroom and had the insight to show up early. So, there I sat, patiently waiting for my name to be called, reading New Moon (the second book in the Twilight series) and eavesdropping on the conversations around me. I quickly realized that this Lannon town is, in fact, ticket happy. 4 other people sitting around me were there with their FIRST speeding ticket which convinced me that Lannon should add a tag-line to their “Welcome to Lannon” sign: “Home of YOUR First Speeding Ticket”.

My name was called and I followed a police officer, who fit the stereo-type of “doughnut-lover” to a “t”, to the back hallway where I would, apparently, be pleading my case. This was not necessary, as the women in charge of my case took a quick glance at my ticket and then at my driving record (exemplary) and extended an “offer”: pay the $109 fine and the citation would be reduced to a faulty speedometer, a 2 point non-moving violation. SOLD.

Word to the wise (and lead-footed): Mapquest Lannon, WI. Once you know where it is, avoid it like the plague or you, too, could be posting a similar recap on your blog.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lucky Bamboo

Neither Andy nor I would consider ourselves to have "green thumbs". In fact, we constantly joke that any plants that do make it into our house have their death papers "potted" and signed. That being said, while we do appreciate greenery around the house, we are not ones to purchase any greenery for ourselves. So, when I received this stalk of bamboo as a gift with this card attached, I was kind of excited...not only was the bamboo stunning to look at but it seems as though it is virtually fool proof to care for...

Andy and I hit the stores this weekend and bought the necessary supplies per the instructions including a watertight container (glass jar) and a support structure for the stalk (gorgeous glass marbles in the most stunning blue color). I assembled our little lucky bamboo in the container with the marbles and about 2 min and a little water later, voila...

Here is to hoping that this baby stays green and healthy and full-fills it's "lucky you" promises.

At the very least, we have a little greenery around the house!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Girl's Night Out

Last Saturday I headed to Madison for a girl’s night. Normally, I am not much of a girly-girl girl’s night type of gal but I was honestly so looking forward to chillin with these cool chicas.

I met my friend Jen (who, I am convinced, is actually my sister separated from me at birth, I just love her!) at her apartment mid afternoon. The game plan was to check out the Madison Home Show first (she had free tickets) and then proceed on into Madison for drinks and appetizers followed by dinner.

Okay, the Home Show recap is BRIEF. In summary, (Jen’s company aside) a giant yawn. I went, I tried it out, and I realized, not so much for me. Fixing up homes just doesn’t interest me…I would much rather spend my free time on my motorcycle, flying with the hubsters, or hanging out with friends. But I digress…

We met up with everyone else around 6 had a couple of cocktails and some delicious “stick-to-your-ribs” appetizers including Cheese Curds and Onion Rings…very tasty. We then dined at CafĂ© Porta Alba on North Butler Street in Madison where we devoured seriously amazing fresh salads and to-die-for authentic traditional Italian pizza. If you are ever in the Madison area, I would highly recommend this place!

The girls…

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Years Resolutions...

If it is only one thing Andy’s family is notorious for, it would be frugality. The definition of which means: the quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift; a sparing use; sparingness. Yep, pretty much Andy and the rest of his clan to a tee. Let me give you a couple of examples of how this pans out in everyday life in our household.

When Andy is finished with his dinner his plate is so clean, it barely needs to be washed. Waste not. Meanwhile, he asks me if I want the few errant pieces of lettuce in my salad bowl “doggie bagged”.

We keep our house at 60 degrees in the winter months to save on our heating bill. However, we do raise it to 64 when we are going to be around all day (weekends) or when we have company over. Believe it or not, this is an improvement from past years. Last year we kept it at 55 degrees and lived under heated blankets when we were home. Normally, I wouldn’t have stood for this, as I am convinced that I am cold-blooded, but we turned it into a contest and we were both too proud and cocky (not to mention that there was a very good chance our brain cells were too cold to function properly) to cave.

In our cars, our “Kleenex” is actually fast food napkins (which, of course, are FREE).

80% of all of our grocery shopping is done at ALDI. Hey, no complaints here as you can walk out of that store $30 later with a weeks worth of groceries!

Okay, so you get the gist. Since marriage catapulted me into the family fold, I have embraced the world of frugality as much as I can, although there are times that I feel I have much to learn. Most of the time, however, I enjoy the challenges and rewards (extra $ for mortgage payments, being blessed with a healthy savings account, etc.) that frugality brings.

Enter the 2009 New Year’s Resolutions. Andy and I each have our weaknesses. For me, it would have to be shopping, the “girly kind” and buying clothes I don’t need (seriously, my closet is PACKED!) and beauty products that, again, I don’t “need” but am always a sucker for. For Andy, it is a DVD obsession. I mean, I can understand his desire to acquire more DVDs seeing we only have about 300 currently in our collection (please note sarcastic tone:)).

So, beginning 2009 we are going to set monetary constraints on our “weaknesses”. For me, that means a $500 Annual Clothing and Beauty Budget to cover haircuts, clothes, make-up, and any other “vanity” type products. Gulp. It is only January 14 and I already only have just over $400 left after a haircut ($50), a sweater ($20), and some Bare Essentials Blush ($18). For Andy that means a $350 DVD/Entertainment budget. It is only January 14 and I think Andy only has about $200 left. Confidently, he claims that it is “all good” because starting in April we will be spending most evening building a plane so he is “front loading” his expenditures.

But, what can we both say…we love a challenge, especially a “frugal-friendly” one!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So, What Did A Car With Over 300,000 Miles Look Like?


Here are Andy and I in front of the "Squirt" (our nickname for the Escort) taken this evening at the dealership. For having 300,000 plus miles on her she doesn't look too shabby does she? At the same time...can you believe that the dealer gave us $100 trade-in value on this baby? Sweet! Oh...and a big thank you to the kind lady at the dealership who took this picture for us!

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for, the visual story board of what did the Squirt in.

A healthier looking shock tower on the left side of the car. Note the visual representation of "hella rusty":

A not so healthy looking shock tower followed by a close-up of the "culprit" busted up, rusted out cushion plate that lead to the Escorts demise.

"Squirt" 1995-2009. RIP.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Goodbye Escort

Monday was a day of mixed emotions for Andy and me. Are you sitting down for this? Do you have a box of Kleenex nearby?

The Escort and Andy will drive their last mile together sometime this week.

On our way to Madison on New Year's Eve, we both heard odd clicking noises coming from the rear on the passenger side. We pulled over (luckily only 6 miles from home) and Andy got out to look at the car. He came back to report the damage, the rear strut insulators weren't holding, a known potential risk as he did some work on the rear of the car late summer and had some issued bolting the strut insulators back on. I trusted his damage report and did not go out myself to offer a second opinion. NOTE: This is a joke...when it comes to cars I know where the gas goes in and that is about it. :)

Fast forward to this past weekend. Andy was jacking up the car in a typically very sturdy area of the underbody when he realized just how much the car was getting "crispy and crumbly" (this is a quote from him, translating to "hell-ah rusty and flaky") and was bowing slightly downward even on the well supported jacks. Then he started taking the rear apart and realized that the issue was not the strut insulators as he originally diagnosed but rather the whole strut towers were compromised (translation: "busted beyond logical repair").

After 304,087 miles and countless memories in his 1995 Ford Escort, Andy threw in the towel, with dignity, I might add. He purchased the Escort when he was 22 years old right after he graduated from undergrad. The car has been with him through grad school, jobs in Detroit, MI and Conersville, IN. It was the car of our courtship which he drove up to Fond du Lac for dates with me (awwwwww). It was also the car that we then drove around in on our wedding day and a countless other times running errands and visiting family and friends.

Ah, sweet Escort...what great memories you hold for Andy and, in your later years, for me.

May you rest in peace.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2008 Christmas Vaction Re-Cap

Every year Andy and I try to both take off a big chunk of time over the Holidays so that we can catch up on things to do around the house and spend some time visiting with family and friends. This year we both had off Christmas Eve all the way through today...January 5th. For those of you counting, that is 12 whole workless days and believe you me we enjoyed every minute of it.


1. The 2008 Christmas Vacation "Honey-Do" List: Andy and I have made it a tradition to sit down together and make a "honey-do" list for ourselves at the start of Holiday vacation. Each task on the master "honey-do" list is assigned a "C" (for Catherine, my task), "A" (for Andy, his task), or a "B" (for both, something we need to do together). We then make it a goal to complete all the tasks on the list by the end of the vacation. This makes the vacation a little more productive!

2. Cat's Family Christmas: Andy and I spent Christmas Eve at my parents house where we had an amazing ham dinner and gift exchange with my parents, aunt, bother, and sister-in-law. Opening gifts was so much fun!!!! Some side clutching experiences included Heather (my sister-in-law) literally cheering for the gifts she got my bother (her husband) to help "sell" him on her fashionable selected additions to his wardrobe. Then, a few gifts later, My brother faked falling asleep when my dad opened his "History of Wisconsin Gas Stations" book.

3. Da' B$%* (name has been changed to protect the innocent:)): Andy and I spent a lovely evening with the B$%* family and had a blast (as usual!). We ate and played cards while talking a lot of smack. Basically, our ideal evening!

4. New Friends: Andy and I were invited for pizza and cards at the home of a couple that we recently met at a work party. They have the cutest two little boys who showed off their basketball playing skills before heading off to bed. Then, the adults sat down and play Whist...a card game that Andy learned during his European tour (BC: aka: Before Catherine :)). Again, food, cards, smack talk, ahhhhhh, heaven on earth!

5. Cuz: Andy and I spent a couple of days with Cuz (Andy's cousin) and her family (which includes a slew of Persian cats and a handful of Pomeranians). We aways have such a blast by them. The first visit, Cuz made the mistake of turning on a Dirty Jobs marathon around 8 o'clock. Andy and I love that show (and because we do not have cable at home NEVER get to watch it). We didn't leave until almost Midnight and weren't in bed until well after 2 am. The second visit was with Andy's parents to celebrate Andy's mom's most recent accomplishment: GRADUATION!

6. New Years Eve in Madison: New Years was spent in Madison with a very dear friend, Jen. We played ate, played Scrabble, ate, played Sequence, and, ah, ate again!!!! For the first time in my life I had homemade FRESH Baklava, seriously to die for!

Now it is back to work and the daily grind of the 9-5 for both Andy and I. We were not that thrilled about getting back into the "rat race" and have both decided that after having this chunk of time off we would make excellent retirees...just saying!

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!